
Megamind and Young Frankenstein

    Megamind, directed by Tom McGrath, and Young Frankenstein, directed by Mel Brooks, are two films that deal with humor and creations gone wrong. Megamind is about a villain who tries to create a new superhero since he had killed Metro Man, the original superhero of Metro City. He takes the D.N.A of Metro Man but inserts it into the wrong person, who becomes a villain instead of the expected hero. The new villain named Titan starts causing disasters to Metro City . Only Megamind, the creator, can defeat him. In Young Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein tries to revive a dead person with a new brain. He creates The Monster, who goes to a  rampage into the town  to feel accepted and understood. Dr. Frankenstein tries to play the family song to retrieve and sooth his creation before he hurts anyone.
    Both films deal with the issues of being creators and creating something dangerous that only the creator must correct. Another similarity that I found was that both  creations were emotional and just wanted to be loved and understood. In Megamind, Titan wanted to be loved by the girl he was in love with but after being turned down by her he became angry and destructive. As for  The Monster, he just wanted to be loved and accepted by society and by his own creator, Dr. Frankenstein.

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